Collectors gonna collect
When you have a bit too much vinyl and a cool kitchen,
all you need is Birch Plywood.
And some IKEA…
This was an IKEA hack in the living room, where we purchased more of the existing Kallax cabinets and made them look like a built in by cutting them up and stacking them around 2 custom made boxes for the TV and record player, and tying it together with plywood strips. The kitchen in this house got a complete makeover where the glossy white doors were removed in favour of installing plywood doors, along with a kiddy corner at the far end that got the same treatment. This way the whole downstairs gets the same vibe.

the starting situation on which we continued the storage concept

the owner explaining his vision

a few sketches were made to come up with a plan of action

since the bulk of this built-in was IKEA I could prepare the tv boxes and connection strips in my workshop before installation

here they are in the wild.

and here it is all put together

The biggest consideration was strength, since vinyl weighs quite a bit and each square has to hold at least 10kg

The kitchen got a facelift, which each door and panel being replaced 1:1 with a birch ply copy, coated with Rubio Monocoat

Extending the same favour out into the hallway

The view if you were a coat hanging on the wall

whtite handles to match with the white interior and surrounding walls

lots and los of drawers

a lot of them

did I mention the drawers?

the tricky bit is getting them all to line up, which was 95% succesful in this case, I'm still learning

and here I am with an almost matching colour shirt

as a final detail we have the kids a work/play area in the same materials

the lady of the house decided on these rotan covered doors to attach to another IKEA cabinet that serves as the table legs and storage area, which I think looks very cute.